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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lindsay Lohan needs Samantha saviour (Agencies)

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Lindsay Lohan needs Samantha saviour

Lindsay Lohan's father has begged Samantha Ronson to save his daughter. Michael Lohan - who has spoken publicly about his concerns for the 'Mean Girls' actress' mental health and claimed she is addicted to prescription drugs - has urged the star's on/off DJ lover to convince Lindsay to go to rehab, despite previously branding her a "disgusting parasite".

He said: "Maybe Samantha will help Lindsay turn her life around and get her into rehab. At least I know Samantha cares. Time is running out for Lindsay. We need to save her."

While Michael is keen to welcome Samantha back into his daughter's life, he wants to exclude her mother, his estranged wife Dina, branding her a "sick human being".

He added in an interview with the UAE's Insider magazine: "She tells me how bad the problem is with our daughter and in the same breath is avoiding the subject.

"She is a sick human being. Dina can continue to lie and avoid the truth, but I am going to continue to show what a liar she is. She can continue to make all the excuses she wants, but she can't deal with the truth.

"We need to save Lindsay - and now."

Michael - who recently leaked a series of tapes of phone calls between himself and Dina detailing their fears for Lindsay - has vowed to help turn Lindsay's life around.

He previously said: "I want my daughter off prescription medication. She never needed it in her life... I'm not going to watch my daughter die. Hate me now, but you love me more later because I'm going to turn her life around."

taken from : China Daily

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