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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lily Collins: Julia Roberts is 'creepy and eerie' as evil queen

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Lily Collins: Julia Roberts is 'creepy and eerie' as evil queen

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts is "creepy and eerie" on the set of 'Brothers Grimm: Snow White'.

The 43-year-old actress is playing the evil queen in the forthcoming adaptation of the classic fairytale, and co-star Lily Collins - who plays the titular beauty - admits she is impressed by the "brilliant" performance she's been giving.

She said: "Everyone loves that Julia smile and laugh and she maintains that, but in such this creepy eerie way that you don't know if you love her or hate her.

"She's brilliant. She's so nice, she's classy, she's just everything I had hoped she'd be."

The 22-year-old actress has been working hard on the film - which is being released at around the same time as 'Snow White and the Huntsman' with Kristen Stewart - and reveals it is close to wrapping.

She added to Access Hollywood: "I flew in this morning, I fly back out tonight, I'm working tomorrow morning. It's been the most incredible experience. I feel like I'm literally in a fairytale every day. And I finish in about a week and a half, so I'm almost done."

taken from : China Daily

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