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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Britney Spears set for December proposal

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Britney Spears is set to get engaged by the end of the year.

The 'Hold it Against Me' hitmaker's boyfriend Jason Trawick - who has been dating the pop star for around two years - plans to whisk her away on holiday when her 'Femme Fatale Tour' ends in Puerto Rico on December 10, and he is "very likely" to pop the question.

A Spears family insider said: "Britney and Jason discuss marriage all the time. Britney is truly in love with Jason, and well, Jason has loved her for a very, very long time.

"Jason adores her two sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James. Jason is planning on taking Britney on a secluded getaway once the tour wraps, and it's very likely he will pop the question at that time."

The 29-year-old singer - who has been married twice before, to Kevin Federline, the father of her kids, and Jason Alexander - would need a judge to formally sign off her marriage as she is still under her father Jamie's conservatorship following her much-publicised breakdown more than three years ago.

But she would be allowed to get engaged without requiring any official approval.

The source added to "When Britney does get engaged, her father's attorneys will notify the judge in her conservatorship case. It's extremely within the realm of possibility that the conservatorship will end, and then Britney will get married. It will be a very smooth transition."

The blonde beauty's mother Lynne and Jason are said to be "very close" and her family are "looking forward to the day that Jason will formally be a member of their family".

Earlier this year, Jason visited an exclusive Los Angeles jeweller to help him design the perfect ring ready for when he proposes to the 'Toxic' singer.

taken from : China Daily

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