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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Madonna's crew to quit?

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(Chinadaily) Madonna's 'Sticky and Sweet' touring crew are threatening to quit. Some of the 250 staff on the tour claim they are being treated like "second class citizens" after being given cheap hotel accommodation - while Madonna stayed in an 11,000-a-night castle after her recent show in Nice, France.

A source told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "Everyone is absolutely furious with her and some of them want to walk out of the tour. They feel they are being treated like second-class citizens, despite all their hard work over the last few months. "To make matters worse, they are being forced to stay in horrible places and fly on cheap low-cost flights, while she has the lap of luxury.

Several are already talking about walking if things don't improve." In contrast to her staff, Madonna, 50, flew with her family - husband Guy Ritchie, 39, daughter Lourdes, 11, and sons Rocco, eight and David, two - by private jet to the 11th century Chateau Saint Jeannet.

Madonna made a series of demands for the Nice show last Tuesday, including a helicopter to take her from the stage back to the castle. The 'Give it to Me' singer also kept a team of 12 staff on hand including six beauticians, her own chef and chiropractor.

After the show, Sir Elton John and his 'husband' David Furnish were invited back to the chateau. Meanwhile, Madonna stunned staff at Schoenefeld airport in Germany - after the Berlin show in the tour - by going through security checks wearing a fluffy white bathrobe and black trainers last Thursday.

The 'Sticky and Sweet' tour continues, with stops in Amsterdam tomorrow and Dusseldorf on Thursday.

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