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Monday, June 22, 2009

Lady Gaga sick of socialising

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Lady Gaga sick of socialising

Lady Gaga is fed up of celebrity parties.

The 'Poker Face' singer - who is known for her party girl lifestyle and outrageous fashion choices - claims she prefers to stay in and concentrate on new material than spend time with her famous peers.

She is quoted as saying: "I'm not a go-out-and-party girl. I'm actually taking every minute I have to myself to write music and be in the studio right now. "I don't have much time to relax but I don't have much time for celebrities either, so I'm happy."

The 23-year-old singer - who is dating a businessman named Speedy - recently claimed she would "die" if she wasn't famous and has vowed to focus her attention on her career and not her love life.

She said: "There are times when it can be a lot to deal with but always when I get up in the morning I try to find that very joyful place that reminds me that I would die if someone took it all away. If someone did that I wouldn't be a person any more. "

Right now the only thing that I am concerned with in my life is being an artist. I had to suppress it for so many years in high school because I was made fun of but now I'm completely insulated in my box of insanity and I can do whatever I like."
taken from : China Daily

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