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Friday, April 17, 2009

Whoopi Goldberg's flying doctor

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Whoopi Goldberg's flying doctor

Whoopi Goldberg had a doctor on standby when she flew to London.

The 'Sister Act' star is so scared of getting on a plane she enlisted a medical professional to administer a sedative in case she panicked.

She told the New York Post newspaper: "I had a guy with me, but I didn't need it. I'm kind of proud. I'm going to fly to the West Coast to surprise my daughter." Whoopi was so determined to make it to London she took part in Virgin Atlantic's Flying Without Fear programme.

The one-day course uses education, practical experience and special psychological techniques to provide quick relief from the panic, anxiety and claustrophobia caused by flying. Speaking about the programme, Whoopi recently said: "I am sweating a lot.

My mind is doing bad stuff to me. I am not a good flyer. I don't like it. I don't want to do it!" Whoopi was in the English capital city in preparation for 'Sister Act' the musical, which she is helping to produce. The show opens at the London Palladium on May 7.

taken from : China Daily

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