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Monday, January 11, 2010

Rihanna Slams Herpes Rumours

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Rihanna Slams Herpes Rumours

Rihanna has lashed out at vicious internet gossip which suggested ex-boyfriend Chris Brown beat her after she contracted a cold sore on her lip - angrily insisting the blemish is a scar.

Nasty online reports circulated following Brown's attack on the Umbrella beauty in February last year, alleging the Kiss Kiss singer lashed out at his then lover after spotting a cold sore on her lip - a sign that can indicate the sufferer has sexually transmitted virus herpes.

And Rihanna is fuming she has to put up with such rumours - especially as the alleged cold sore is actually a scar she has had for most of her life.

The star tells Gq magazine, "It's not true. It's a f**king scar. On my lip. That's there every day of my life."
taken from : China Daily

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