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Thursday, February 26, 2009

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Lindsay Lohan could land a role in Warren Beatty's new film - if she agrees to live with him.

Warren is keen to cast Lindsay as his daughter but is concerned about rumours of her past erratic behaviour on set, so wants to keep an eye on her.

FOX News said: "Warren, the smartest guy in Hollywood bar none, wants Ms. Lohan to come live under his roof - at least one of his guest roofs - while he shoots this movie.

"Lindsay is said to know this is a chance of a lifetime and a way to re-start her languishing career."

The 22-year-old actress - who was famously criticised by executives on 2007 movie 'Georgia Rule' for continually turning up late to set - is said to be seriously considering the role.

Lindsay is also receiving support from Vanity Fair contributing editor Ingrid Sischy, who is determined to help her get her ailing career back on track.

Ingrid has already offered Lindsay several magazine covers in an effort to boost her profile.

taken from : China Daily

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