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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull

Category : Movies
Genre : Action & Adventure

Tanggal : 23 Mei 2008
Jam : 20.00 wib
Tempat : SUTOS XXI

Finnaly he's back, after 19 years finally Harrison Ford back to action as Indiana Jones. I'm do not have am not high expectation to this film, because Harrison Ford already 66 years. But Harrison Ford is still tough, although the action have been many decreasing compared to the third earlier series. This time Harrison Ford assisted by Shia Le Bouf, Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood ( lover Indy in first series), Ray Winstone and John Hurt. For the role of the antagonist passed to Cate Blanchet which showing having good russian dialect.

In story actually lighter is compared to former series, but scenario written by David Koepp doesn't disappoint and the special effect and cinematography is cool ( like other Steven Spielberg movies ).

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