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Friday, November 21, 2008

Coldplay to break up in 2009?

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Chris Martin. [File Photo:]

It looks like the days may be numbered for one of the world's hottest pop-rock bands. Chris Martin, lead vocalist for Coldplay, told the UK's Daily Express that the group may be finished at the end of next year, 2009. He believes that bands should pack it in before they get old.

"I'm 31 now and I don't think that bands should keep going past 33," Daily Express quoted him, as saying.

"So we're trying to pack in as much as possible. Up until the end of next year, we'll just go for it in every sense. I don't believe in time off. We've still got most of our hair, we can still fit into our musical trousers and we've got to make the most of that," he added.

The quote flies in the face of Chris Martin's recent statements on Coldplay's website where he hints that the band are already in the process of writing the next album.

"I write all the time, because it's the only way to make sense of everything. I've got one of those little keyboards you get given for Christmas when you're seven. I have it with me at all times… I did write a bit of a song today actually, yeah…. it's about when your uncles get drunk and sing… and it also owes a slight debt to 'Altogether Now' by The Farm".

Taken From : China Daily

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