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Friday, November 21, 2008

Jennifer Garner's stalker order

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Jennifer Garner has obtained a court order against 'stalker' Steven Burky.

The 36-year-old actress - who is expecting her second child with husband Ben Affleck - writes in court papers that Burky, who she alleges has been harassing her since 2002, has neared "the point of becoming dangerous and threatening".

She writes: "Mr. Burky has been stalking and harassing me, sending packages and letters containing delusional and paranoid thoughts and following me around the country.

"Within the past year his obsessive and harassing behaviour has escalated to the point of becoming dangerous and threatening. He once came to my home and said God has sent him a vision of me being persecuted in some manner that may result in my death.

"I am currently pregnant and fear for the safety of my second child once born."

Jennifer - who also has a two-year-old daughter Violet with Ben - obtained a temporary restraining order against Burky earlier this month, but is seeking to make it permanent in a hearing today.

Burky, who writes a blog entitled Satanic Panic which covers dark topics including human sacrifices, is currently being held in a mental hospital under a 5150 psychiatric hold, where a person is involuntarily committed into a psychiatric institution because they are at risk of causing harm to themselves or others.
Taken From : China Daily

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