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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Robert Pattinson: Single & looking for love

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Actors Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (L) of the movie Twilight speak at the MuchMusic television station in Toronto November 15, 2008.[Agencies]

(China Daily) He may have his arm around Kristen Stewart at every “Twilight” premiere event, and has been linked to a host of hot ladies over recent months, but Robert Pattinson is unattached, according to a new interview.

While visiting “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” for an episode that airs this Friday — the same day Pattinson’s vampiric portrayal of Edward Cullen springs to life on the big screen, he denied having romantic ties to anyone.

“Now, are you single?” Ellen asked.

“Ah, yeah,” the British actor replied.

And it appears despite women throwing themselves at him regularly, Pattinson may be stuck in singleton mode permanently.

“No one else seems to get into a relationship with me. It’s really strange,” he told Ellen.

“People like screaming at me,” the heartthrob added. “Actually, they like screaming at me in relationships as well. No one wants to commit.”

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