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Monday, August 18, 2008

Manga : Rocket Man

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Rocket Man
By Katou Motohiro
First published in Japan in 2002 by Kodansha

This is the manga from Katou Motohiro who brought you Q.E.D (Detective manga with a tons of Science). Not like Q.E.D. the art have a progress esspecially for details of scene and expression of the character. The Story is about a boy (Yo Mizunashi, typically Katou main character) who meet a mysterious guy called "R". R works for "True Eyes" organization which sell secret information. Right now Yo get an amnesia, he forget about several years in his life particularly his memory about his mother.
Another character is a girl named Yayoi, Yo classmate who often help Yo at his adventure. When I first read this manga, I feel a little bored because the plot is slow. But when I come to third book, the story is very Interesting. The cleverness of Yo starting appear. If you like espionage story this manga is the right choice for you.

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