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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Robbie Williams' mother flight

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Robbie Williams has flown to Britain to be with his mother, who is in a "critical but stable" condition following a heart bypass operation.

The 34-year-old singer - who is currently living in Los Angeles with actress girlfriend Ayda Field - is determined to spend every second with 67-year-old Jan, the inspiration behind his hit single 'Angels', as she recovers from the intensive surgical procedure in a Cheshire hospital.

A source, who revealed Jan had the operation Dec.21, said: "Like any patient who has undergone major heart surgery, Jan is not out of danger yet. She is in a critical but stable condition, but that is normal for such a complex procedure. "Jan was put in intensive care immediately after the operation, where she will be monitored extremely closely.

She will almost certainly spend Christmas Day in hospital, but if all goes well she might be discharged by New Year. Robbie is desperate to make sure everything goes to plan." Robbie has been told by doctors the earliest he can see drink-and-drug counsellor Jan is later yesterday.

The source added to Britain's The Sun newspaper: "If there are no complications, Jan will be released onto a specialist cardiac ward today, and Robbie may be able visit her then.

The doctors will assess her progress on a daily basis to make sure her recovery is going well. "But any major surgery carries risks and Robbie will understandably be concerned for his mother. It won't be an easy Christmas for him."
Taken From : China Daily

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