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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Is Lohan pregnant?

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Is Lohan pregnant?

According to sources close to the young starlet and gossip blogs everywhere, Lindsay Lohan is purportedly 7 weeks pregnant. The 22 year-old Lohan has yet to respond to any of these claims nor issued an official statement. MTV UK also reported that Lohan is unsure of who the father is.

The Mean Girls star has alledgly slept with a number of men following her split from girlfriend Samantha Ronson, and apparently doesn’t know who the child’s father is. “I swear she’s carrying,” a source said.

“She’s going through big emotional turmoil. She’s not sure if she’ll have it or go through with an abortion that she booked to have in the next few days. “Saddest part is she has no idea who the father is. She must have slept with more than two dozen men in the past couple of months.”

In a recent interview with Closer Magazine, Lohan has said she wants to focus more on her movie career and shed her paparazzi party life image. “When I was a kid, I thought movie stars were people who wanted to act in great movies- It’s all I ever wanted to do. I didn’t get into this business to be a celebrity - I’ve been a target for a long time.”

taken from : China Daily

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