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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Jennifer Lopez still shifting baby weight

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Jennifer Lopez still shifting baby weight

Jennifer Lopez is still struggling to lose her baby weight.

The singer-and-actress, who gave birth to twins Max and Emme last February, can't quite shift the last few pounds.

Jennifer, who gained over 60lbs during pregnancy, said: "It's funny, once I gave birth I dropped 30lbs immediately and then the next 20lbs came off right away. When I did a triathlon, I dropped another 10, and with the last 10 I'm still struggling with. I probably have 5-6lbs more to go."

Despite gaining a large amount of weight, the 39-year-old beauty enjoyed being pregnant and revealed she and husband Marc Anthony would love to add to their family.

She said: "I think we'll have more children. I mean, it's fun to do all the things we do, but nothing feels like what it is to have children and to have that joy and purpose in your life of raising another human being.

"I had a great pregnancy, but I probably won't be as lucky the second time. It was great, though. I didn't have any of the bad symptoms, no morning sickness or anything."
taken from : China Daily

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