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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Black Eyed Peas' Fergie: "I loved ecstasy"

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Black Eyed Peas' Fergie:

Black Eyed Peas star Fergie has revealed that her pre-fame drug addiction left her paranoid and delusional.

The singer, who has now been clean for over ten years, admitted that she first became hooked on illegal substances in order to escape her troubles in girl group Wild Orchid.

"I thought it would be disloyal if I left, but I wasn't happy anymore with the music we were doing," Angry Ape quotes her as saying. "I really internalised it and found my outlet in the underground club scene and the raves.

"I had a blast but those things can only last for so long. I'm actually lucky that I hit it as hard as I did because it took me to a place where I knew I never wanted to do it again."

She continued: "It started with ecstasy. I loved ecstasy. Loved it, loved it. It was great at first, then it just went."

Fergie also spoke about her addiction to powerful narcotic crystal meth. She confessed that her search for the drug once led her to being held at gun-point while travelling in East LA.

"Yeah, that was crazy," she added. "Don't mess with East LA. Thank the lord I'm here."

taken from : China Daily

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