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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Emma Watson's slim slam

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'Harry Potter' actress Emma Watson says she thinks skinny celebrities are ugly.

Emma Watson thinks skinny celebrities are ugly.

The 18-year-old 'Harry Potter' star has slammed super-slim stars as unattractive and poor role models.

She is quoted as saying: "I don't think it's very pretty to be really, really skinny. It's not inspirational at all for me."

The slender British actress also insists her body shape is genetic, not the product of fad diets or an eating disorder.

She said: "I'm lucky and I'm this size naturally. I don't diet and I don't aspire to be super skinny. I just don't think it's very pretty."

And even if years of fame change her mind, the young star says it would be impossible for her to slim down to other star's tiny proportions.

She said: "Even if I wanted to be that skinny, I love food and I love cooking and I love sitting down and having nice meals, so it just wouldn't be possible for me."

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